Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Muse

When the plowblade struck
An old stump hiding under
The soil like a beggar's
Rotten tooth, they swarmed up;
Mister Jackson left the plow
Wedged like a whaler's harpoon

~ excerpt from "Yellow Jackets" by Yusef Komunyakaa


  1. My personal most hated of the stinging creatures! Great shot, but gave me the shivers. I am with Mr. Jackson there - that old plow could have stayed there until it rotted! I used to own a landscaping business and once, one of my guys was mowing around a tree when he was swarmed by them. He left the mower where it was, still running, and it stayed there until it ran out of gas! These insects simply hate any kind of vibration!

  2. great shot! one at a time they're fine. swarming? not so much! :)

  3. A yellow jacket on yellow flowers...a beautiful effect!

  4. Great photograph but I'm not crazy about yellow jackets. Why is it honey bees sting and die but the other bees sting and sting again?
