Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Poseidon's Girls

Our five-year-old colored ram, Poseidon, is a Cotswald - Border Leicester - Coopworth - Wensleydale cross.  He is the most agressive of the rams, and you learn very quickly not to turn your back on him.  He is very large and can deliver a real wallop if you are not paying attention.  Let's just say he definitely commands respect.  He also produces an amazing fleece, and vigorous lambs with beautiful, long curly locks.

4014   Fiona   Coopworth - Blue-faced Leicester cross
40      Athena   Coopworth - Border Leicester cross
41      Hera   Coopworth - Border Leicester cross
620    Daireann   Coopworth - Blue-faced Leicester cross
817    Dierdre   Coopworth - Blue-faced Leicester - Wensleydale cross
910    Julie   Coopworth - Border Leicester cross
930    Havva   Coopworth - Blue-faced Leicester - Border Leicester - Wensleydale cross
1008  Poppy   Lincoln - Border Leicester - Coopworth - Wensleydale cross
1025  Nettie   Border Leicester


  1. You can even tell from the picture that he commands respect! A beautiful animal.

  2. i don't think i'd like the 'aggressive' part of having rams around. but i guess that's the necessary part too.

  3. I love your blog...and your sheep. I would really like to buy a fleece from you at some point...maybe after next year's spring shearing. Please email me to let me know if this is a possibility!
