Friday, April 22, 2011

One More Down

Yesterday was another slow day - first-time mama, Havva, had a beautiful ewe lamb weighing 11 lbs 5 ozs.  It took us about half an hour and a lot of patience to get her and the baby into a lambing jug, but we finally did and they are doing great!  The little lamb has a lovely fleece.  She is what one might call a true farm flock breed - Coopworth x Blue-faced Leicester x Border Leicester x Wensleydale x Cotswald.  We can't wait to see her fleece this fall!

(We will try to answer everyone's questions from yesterday's comments, later today.  Have to get back to the barn... there's a little activity...)


  1. another success for baby and mamma! i always love hearing these happy posts!

  2. ahh, so sweet! i would be unable to work on your farm and would be needing a kick out of the pasture for petting and loving on those babies too much!

  3. Love seeing these sweet lambs! Great pictures!
