Sunday, April 22, 2007

Blackberry Twins

About 8 o'clock this evening, Blackberry began wandering back and forth between the two gates in the corral bawling to get out in one of the fields. She had decided there was no way she was going to have her lambs in the barn; too warm and dry, I guess. Luckily there is a spot light on the back of the barn, but we still had to follow the poor ewe around with flashlights so we could check her progress. Around 10 o'clock, a ram lamb arrived, 12 lbs 3 ozs, very strong and rambunctious. He was bouncing, yes bouncing, around the corral in no time at all. Blackberry was so worried and distracted by him, it took her a really long time to begin pushing for the second lamb. Finally, a little ewe lamb, 9 lbs 6 ozs! We got everyone into the barn about 1 a.m. and gratefully headed to bed.

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